
Monday, March 18, 2013

Planted Tomatoes, Peppers and Hebs

March 17th planted 28 tomato plants, bunch of different pepper types and herbs. Be sure and plant the tomatoes deep as you can, if you can turn them sideways and bury them up to the top.

 Plant all your peppers ground level they do not like it if you cover the sprout leaves and will die if you plant them to deep, so be sure and mulch around them. I mulch around everything as you will see in the video.
Asparagus is my love and in the video I have some coming up, nothing sets me on fire as picking some tall sweet asparagus, going in the house putting them in a pan and having them for dinner.
If you want some tips or help just ask, post a questing in the comment section and i will be more than happy to assist you in getting your hands dirty.
Easter is here remember him when you plant life is precious.

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